Pastor Richards mentions Russia on Vice City Public Radio show Pressing Issues. Many references to the Cold War are made in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. The name of the Grand Theft Auto 2 radio station KGBH is a reference to the KGB, the security agency of the Soviet Union. The Akula and Zhaba are also purported to be of Russian origin however, they are based on American and Ukrainian vehicles, respectively. There are eleven vehicles in the series based on Russian/Soviet vehicles: the Bulwark, the Dune, the APC, the Savage, the Nightshark, the V-65 Molotok, the Cheburek, the Chernobog, RM-10 Bombushka, the RO-86 Alkonost and the Kosatka. The RPG-7, a rocket launcher that regularly appears through the GTA series, was first developed in the USSR. The AK-47, an assault rifle that regularly appears throughout the GTA series was first developed in the Russian SFSR by Mikhail Kalashnikov.
The Russian Mafia appear throughout the Grand Theft Auto series.Russia in the Grand Theft Auto Series General
1 Russia in the Grand Theft Auto Series.