Tano jumped from her fighter onto Skywalker's, cut through the canopy with her Lightsaber, and pulled him out before the fighter plummeted off the cliff edge, with R2 escaping via his rocket boosters.

Once the fighter had done so, Tano instructed her own Astromech Droid, R7-A7, to continue piloting her fighter while pulling her master to safety. Tano instructed R2-D2-the fighter's copilot-to land on a nearby cliff upon learning this. A blast from this knocked Skywalker unconscious. He managed to clear the droids off the top of the interceptor, but another group was swarming the ship's undercarriage and caused the fighter's engine to malfunction. However, while they flew through the bridged cities of Cato Nemoidia, a Droid Tri-Fighter launched a missile laden with Buzz Droids, which begin to attack Skywalker's starfighter while Tano remained clear of them. Skywalker and Tano led a fighter squadron to break through the Separatist vessels to allow the LAAT Gunships to reach the planet. The Republic responded by sending a force of the 501st Legion, led by Anakin Skywalker, Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex, to counter it. The Defense of Cato Neimoidia took place in 20 BBY when the Confederacy of Independent Systems launched an invasion on the planet.